
$('input').iCheck('destroy');—removealltracesofiCheck.Youmayalso...—inputsarekeyboardinaccessible,sincedisplay:noneorvisibility:hiddenused ...,—inputsarekeyboardinaccessible,sincedisplay:noneorvisibility:hiddenusedtohidethem;—poorbrowsersupport;—multiplebugsonmobiledevices;— ...,inputsarekeyboardinaccessible,sincedisplay:noneorvisibility:hiddenusedtohidethem;poorbrowsersupport;multiplebugsonmo...

Checkboxes and radio buttons customization (jQuery ...

$('input').iCheck('destroy'); — remove all traces of iCheck. You may also ... — inputs are keyboard inaccessible, since display: none or visibility: hidden used ...

Customize checkboxes and radio buttons with iCheck ...

— inputs are keyboard inaccessible, since display: none or visibility: hidden used to hide them; — poor browser support; — multiple bugs on mobile devices; — ...


inputs are keyboard inaccessible, since display: none or visibility: hidden used to hide them; poor browser support; multiple bugs on mobile devices; tricky, ...

iCheck checkbox issue. Is there a way to ignore this for ...

2016年2月23日 — Not only will this cause that the particular checkbox stops working, it also takes up to much space. I don't want it remove, because on the rest ...

icheck jQuery Plugin ShowHide DIV

2014年6月16日 — Now for dynamic checkbox I need to add checked in icheck input and show div in default. But In default I have display:none; and div not show.

icheckREADME.md at 1.0.3

inputs are keyboard inaccessible, since display: none or visibility: hidden used to hide them; poor browser support; multiple bugs on mobile devices; tricky, ...

Show And Hide Another Checkbox on iCheck's ...

2016年3月7日 — Show And Hide Another Checkbox on iCheck's checkbox checked and unchecked state ... Alert is populating but Hiding and showing is not working.

Utilizing jQuery iCheck Plugin to Toggle Display of Div

2023年6月15日 — Using jQuery, one can test if a checkbox is checked and show or hide a div accordingly. This can be done with multiple checkboxes and the use of ...

用iCheck(jQuery 和Zepto) 插件定制复选框(checkboxes)和 ...

下面列出了此类方法的限制和不足:. — inputs are keyboard inaccessible, since display: none or visibility: hidden used to hide them; — poor browser support ...

问使用jquery icheck插件显示隐藏div

2014年5月12日 — 我使用iCheck Jquery插件 For Beautify复选框。现在,我需要 show/hide div 后使用 jquery 复选框,但这不适用于icheck插件。 ... 我该怎么解决这个问题?